Lorne Goldman featured in The Globe and Mail
Lorne shares his opinion on The Globe and Mail for one of his recent Vancouver sales in an article titled Best of four offers takes Kerrisdale two-bedroom.
“Once they got rid of the rental and age restrictions, which was the No. 1 problem with these units, everybody comes out of the woodwork and wants to buy them,” says the buyer’s agent, Lorne Goldman. “There were very few of them [with age restrictions],” he added.
“I’m sure quiet enjoyment at the time was a concern when the restrictions were put in place but that doesn’t mean 30 years down the line the next buyer is in agreement with that.”
Read the full article here: https://www.theglobeandmail.com/real-estate/vancouver/article-best-of-four-offers-takes-kerrisdale-two-bedroom/